About us
HPC Park is a high-performance computing provider
The major line of activity of the company is construction of high-performance corporate infrastructures, as well as providing them on the model as a service. Our mission is to provide an IT infrastructure comparable to a supercomputer to enable science, business and manufacturing to use the full potential of AI.

Main activities
Lease of physical and virtual high-performance accelerated servers
Full-cycled system integration of high-performance clusters and supercomputers
Provision of AI-based software and hardware applications
Sale of server and network equipment, its installation and commissioning
Building of corporate IT-infrastructures
Consulting, sequencing of solutions and help with a proof of concept

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Hpc Park cooperates with legal entities
IT equipment and integration

Digital transformation is the main factor of growth and business development, but like any innovative project, such a modification involves risks and requires a careful approach. We provide a full cycle of services - from free consultation at the moment of infrastructure planning, to post-guarantee services after its implementation.
Rental of GPU Accelerated containers

Rent a virtual container based on powerful GPU graphics accelerators. We have ready-made platforms for simple and resource-intensive tasks. You can also assemble an individual container to suit your needs. The price is formed after defining the configuration and computing resource requirements.
Rental of dedicated GPU Accelerated servers

Rent a physical server with NVIDIA A100 graphics accelerator. You can modify it to suit your needs.

We’re consulting for free, also we help you during the design phase, we provide technical and customer support 24/7 and outsourcing services.
Core values
Cutting-edge high-density HPE platforms based on state-of-the-art Nvidia accelerators: H100, A100.
Individual approach
Possibility to rent both selected bare-metal platforms and virtual containers with chosen accelerators.
The ability to increase or decrease resources depending on the actual needs of the business at a clear and transparent price.
Support 24/7
High level of technical support and assistance in the field of integration of your models.
All technical resources are located in the Russian Federation in accordance with 152-FZ.
Авторизованный партнер NVidia и Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
Cutting-edge high-density HPE platforms based on state-of-the-art Nvidia accelerators: H100, A100.
The ability to increase or decrease resources depending on the actual needs of the business at a clear and transparent price.
Individual approach
Possibility to rent both selected bare-metal platforms and virtual containers with chosen accelerators.
Support 24/7
High level of technical support and assistance in the field of integration of your models.
All technical resources are located in the Russian Federation in accordance with 152-FZ.
Авторизованный партнер NVidia и Hewlett Packard Enterprise.
Our partners are reliable suppliers of information solutions. We are always glad to cooperate and invite you to join the community of technical specialists, who are focused on a progress and development.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Currently we are working only with legal entities.
We provide resources for free testing on a case-by-case basis, it is month trial in the baseline scenario, but we are always ready to meet the client and support interesting project. Contact us, tell us more about your business tasks - we will agree on all aspects and determine the time of free usage. Our major aspiration is that you’ll get the result for your project. If the result satisfies your needs, then we will gladly cooperate with you and will propose exclusive special offers and discounts programs.
- Via request form through the website.
- By e-mail sales@hpc-park.ru.
- By phone: +7 495 132-73-84 (weekdays since 10:00 till 19:00).
- Via messengers:
+7 925 661-47-93.
Servers are located in a fault-tolerant data center with uninterrupted power supply, redundant communication channels and protected access in the territory of the Russian Federation in Moscow (compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (152-FZ)).
Grant may be awarded only to legal entities authorized in the User’s Personal Account. Detailed guide about registration on the platform you can download on the site, in the section «Guides»