HPC Park presented a report for HSE University

18 / 12 / 2023

HPC Park presented a report for HSE University

On December 18, 2023, the founder of the company HPC ParkMaxim Dudkin gave a report for students who are receiving a second higher education in the field of healthcare at HSE University. Maxim spoke about artificial intelligence technologies in practical healthcare.

AI in healthcare is an effective alliance of technology with the medical community.

The introduction of artificial intelligence in medicine faces a number of challenges, such as inadequate regulation, acceptance by the medical community and weak centralization of IT infrastructure, besides, there is no clear understanding of the algorithms for embedding innovative AI-based technologies into current clinical business scenarios.

Despite these obstacles, the prospects for AI use in medicine are encouraging. Artificial intelligence systems can significantly improve diagnostic processes, optimize doctors' workloads, and trigger earlier detection and prevention of disease.

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